Andrija Radojev

Andrija Radojev

Pár slov o tebe – kto si, čo robíš a nejaká zaujímavosť o tebe ?

I’m a WordPress developer for more than 5 years and I consider WordPress my favorite CMS platform. My portfolio includes many fully developed WordPress blogs and e-commerce stores, custom themes, plugins, integrations, and other useful WordPress tools. As an open-minded person, I always like experimenting with different solutions and challenging the status quo. This is why I fell in love with WordPress because it offers you many ways to build everything you could imagine and quickly find the approach which leads to the best results. My approach to WordPress development involves looking at the project from all of the perspectives, making sure that my clients will pull the best out of their websites and their customers will have an outstanding level of user experience. I was blessed to have a chance to get to know many different uses of WordPress and had a journey from freelancing at the start of my career over leading an IT team of a successful European E-Commerce startup and striving for the highest level in worlds biggest IT companies. At the moment, I work as a WordPress Expert at GoDaddy and an active member of the Serbian WordPress community,

Akú prednášku si si pre nás prichystal?

WooCommerce Automation – Tips and tricks to save your time and money.

Vieš nám povedať čoho sa bude týkať?

WooCommerce is the most popular plugin which turns a WordPress website into a highly customizable and user-friendly online store. However, most owners of small WooCommerce stores don’t utilize its full potential and waste so much time on updates, content-entry, calculations, and other everyday tasks without realizing that they can automate them and with proper tools, they can save time and money which can sometimes make a difference between success and failure. In this interactive lecture, we will cover the must-use tools, best practices, and tips on how you can pull the best out of a WooCommerce store and save your precious time and money by making smart investments in your WooCommerce store. Together we will briefly go through case studies which are common in the eCommerce world, explore many different solutions suited for any skill level and get practical knowledge we can instantly use while engaging in trivia and mini-games that will challenge your eCommerce mindset.

Čo pre teba znamená WordPress a WordCamp? 

WordPress is my favorite content management system, as it offers many features outside of the box, it is fairly easy to maintain, and it’s equipped with a very intuitive UI, thus involving in WordPress is one of the quickest ways to get involved in IT industry. WordCamp is much more than simply a place where WordPress professionals and enthusiast come to gather, and one of the key parts for the popularity of WordPress is its community. The awesomeness of WordPress community can best be seen at the WordCamp, and the biggest power of WordCamps is the fact that you will walk out from a WordCamp learning something new no matter what skill level our background you have.

Ako si sa dostal k WordPress a ako ho používaš?

My first experience with WordPress came back in 2012, my final year in high school when I had to build a small website for a school project. It was a disaster 😀 as back then I had no experience in IT, let alone WordPress. 2 years later, I attended a WordPress meetup in Belgrade and I saw how much the technology changes, so now that I had basic web development skills I decided to try again, and in 3 months I started building my first websites and doing freelance projects. The rest is history 🙂

Prečo si si vybral práve tú tému o ktorej budeš hovoriť?

Through my professional experience I noticed that many profitable WooCommerce stores still don’t utilize their full potential just because they are not aware of the existence of technologies which are easy to implement, or because of the assumption that automating a WooCommece store is a heavy time consuming process.

Čo nás naučíš / povieš na tvojej prednáške? Čím bude odlišná / špeciálna? 

My idea is to activate the audience to engage in the lecture and be actively involved with lots of interaction and mini-games. We will cover the most common pains of a WooCommerce store using interesting case studies

Ak máš špeciálny odkaz na záver, sem s ním 🙂

See you in Košice, stay awesome 😀
